All News Releases
NMU Profs Promote Sustainable Ecotourism
Former NMU Student and Michigan Native Assists with Thai Rescue
Grads Receieve Nat Geo Grant for St. John Study
Alumnus Named MicroTech President
Athletic Training Grad Working in Tennessee
Center for U.P. Studies Receives Award
Duling Named President of BWXT Subsidiary
NMU Student Intern Featured by Miron
NMU Student Intern Featured by Miron
Tyler Crisp, an NMU sophomore construction management major, is a featured summer intern on the Miron Construction website. He is working with the company on a Mills Fleet Farm store and gas station project. “My favorite part of the internship so far is having the ability to walk around the project site and look at all the different parts of the building that are being constructed,” Crisp said.
Grad Recognized for Public Housing Development
Alumna Retiring from 43-Year Nursing Career
Alumna Named East Grand Rapids Superintendent
NMU-NASA Granite Island Project Underway
Alumna's Nursing Experience Informs Role as Judge
NMU alumna Kathryn Davis Messerich (BS ‘79) made a successful transition from nursing to a legal career. As chief judge of Minnesota's first judicial district, she has used her dual training presiding in juvenile court and previously in two drug courts. “The nursing background was incredibly helpful in understanding the scientific and medical issues associated with addiction and mental health,” said Messerich in a "Minnesota Lawyer" feature.
Grad Appointed to School Safety Task Force
Reimagine STEM Youth Academy Planned
NMU Blueberry Classic Golf Outing July 27
Alumnus Honors Parents with World Records
Fueled by a desire to honor his parents, NMU alumnus Ron Sarchian (BS '87) has set seven Guinness World Records and plans to pursue more this summer. The former Wildcat football player punched a heavy bag for 50 hours, nine minutes. He also split 42 watermelons with a karate chop in one minute on the "Today" show. The industrial technology grad worked seven years for Boeing in Seattle before moving to Southern California to be an actor, stuntman and personal trainer to the stars.