All News Releases

NMU Foundation Restructures Before Campaign

Feb. 28, 2019 —
At its Feb. 15 meeting, the NMU Board of Trustees approved moving Alumni Relations operations and reporting from the Extended Learning and Community Engagement Division to the NMU Foundation. According to the NMU Foundation, this realignment represents an important step in a larger restructuring effort establishing a holistic team-driven approach to advancement in preparation for the upcoming fundraising campaign.

Woodland Sky Dance Company to Perform

Feb. 27, 2019 —
The Woodland Sky Native American Dance Company will perform at Northern Michigan University's Forest Roberts Theatre on Friday, March 15. An educational performance for school classrooms, home-school groups and other educational organizations is scheduled for 11 a.m. A public performance will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the evening event are $5 and there will be a meet and greet in the lobby of FRT following the performance.

Erickson Testifies Before Subcommittee

Feb. 27, 2019 —
NMU President Fritz Erickson recently testified before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education and Community Colleges as part of the state budget process. The subcommittee is comprised of mostly new members this cycle. It requested that university leaders address formula funding, first-generation students, enrollment trends and unique attributes of their institutions in their formal remarks.

Prof Writes Book on Mental Illness Portrayals

Feb. 27, 2019 —
Mental illness affects about one in five American teens. This is increasingly reflected in young adult fiction, as recent surveys indicate one quarter of the genre's titles feature characters with psychological disorders. Northern Michigan University English Professor Kia Jane Richmond has published a new book that explores how real struggles such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder are portrayed through fictional characters. Her hope is that Mental Illness in Young Adult Literature will help educators, librarians and mental health professionals to more effectively address the needs of students.

NCLL Offers Program on NMU Dining

Feb. 26, 2019 —
The Northern Center for Lifelong Learning will present “Lunch at The Lights,” a meal at Northern Michigan University's renovated dining hall. NMU Dining staff will give an update on changes and discuss the Food Recovery Network. The registration deadline is Tuesday, March 5. The event is scheduled for 12:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 12.

CTE Magazine Released Feb. 28

Feb. 26, 2019 —
Career and technical education (CTE) prepares youth and adults for a wide range of high-demand occupations. A committee representing Alger and Marquette counties is promoting the availability and value of all regional technical training opportunities in a special publication being released on Feb. 28 to close out National Career and Technical Education Month. The publication will include salary potential, employment outlook and information unique to each field.  

Childhood Obesity Discussed

Feb. 22, 2019 —
The next Your Health lecture at Northern Michigan University will be titled “Childhood Obesity: What We Can Do to Help.” Dr. John Bartlett, assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, will give the presentation at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 21, in Reynolds Recital Hall. Admission is free and RSVPs are requested at or 616-234-2613.

NMU Gender Fair March 19

Feb. 22, 2019 —
Northern Michigan University's annual Gender Fair will take place from 11 a.m to 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, in the Jamrich Hall lobbies. It will feature informational booths and various discussions to spread awareness, education and conversation about gender and related topics between students, staff and the Marquette community. There will also be raffle drawings. For the duration of the event, the restrooms on the first floor of Jamrich will be gender-neutral. Other restrooms in the building will maintain their gender-specific designations. 

Hamilton's Book Appears on Notable List

Feb. 21, 2019 —
A Northern Michigan University professor explores literary representations of walking in a book that was included on KCET's “L.A. History to Poetry: 23 Notable Books of 2018” list. Amy Hamilton's latest scholarly work, Peregrinations: Walking in American Literature, adopts a cross-cultural perspective on walking and demonstrates how the topic allows writers to engage with a wide array of histories, stories and traditions.

Edgar Allan Poe Production at NMU

Feb. 21, 2019 —
The Northern Michigan University Student Performing Arts Association presents Nightfall with Edgar Allan Poe at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 14-Saturday, March 16 at the James A. Panowski Black Box Theatre. Admission is free. Written by playwright Eric Coble, Nightfall with Edgar Allan Poe is a collection of four tales originally written by Poe: “The Raven,” “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “The Pit and the Pendulum” and “The Tell-Tale Heart.”

NMU Presents 'Evening with Selma'

Feb. 15, 2019 —
Northern Michigan University's Multicultural Education and Resource Center will present “An Evening with Selma” from 7- 9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, in 1322 Jamrich Hall. The event includes a screening of the movie Selma, which chronicles Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala. A discussion led by civil rights activist Sheyann Webb-Christburg will follow. The public is invited free of charge.