All News Releases

Alumnus 'Unsung Hero' of School Shooting

Feb. 14, 2019 —

NMU alumnus Ernest Rospierski (BS 2005) was “an unsung hero" during last year's mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, which left 17 dead, according to the chair of a commission investigating the incident. The 37-year-old social studies teacher was grazed by two bullets, then pressed himself against the stairwell door to deny the gunman's attempts to open it while he sent students fleeing toward the nearest exit. To read a South Florida Sun Sentinel feature story on Rospierski that reflects on the incident one year later, click here.

3MT Winners Announced

Feb. 14, 2019 —

Northern Michigan University has announced the winners of its 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, an annual competition held at over 600 universities in more than 65 countries that gives graduate students the opportunity to showcase their research.

NMU Saddened by Death of Trustee

Feb. 14, 2019 —

Northern Michigan University administrators say they are deeply saddened by the news that a recent NMU Board of Trustees appointee has died. Travis Weber of Detroit was appointed in October by former Gov. Rick Snyder to an eight-year term beginning Jan. 1. He had completed his orientation to the board and was scheduled to participate in his first meeting as a trustee this week.

Event Explores Miners' Strike, Labor History

Feb. 13, 2019 —

The Central U.P. and Northern Michigan University Archives will present an “Evening at the Archives” event on Thursday, Feb. 28. Negaunee High School seniors Chaz Bluse and Lucas Lambertson will give a presentation on the history of the 1946 iron miners' strike. NMU Archivist Marcus Robyns will provide a brief summary of labor history on the Marquette Iron Range from 1900-1946.

Chief Strategist Discusses State Policy Issues

Feb. 8, 2019 —
Mark Burton, Northern Michigan University alumnus and chief strategist for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, will discuss the rural, suburban and urban dynamics of several policy issues addressed in the State of the State during a presentation at NMU. The event begins at 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14, in Mead Auditorium in the West Science Building and will be followed by a reception in the atrium. The public is invited.

Marquette Inspires Alumna's Romance Novel

Feb. 8, 2019 —

NMU alumna Elizabeth Mowers’ first published book, A Promise Remembered, will be released March 1. The novel details the story of a man who returns to his hometown in Michigan for a brief visit. He runs into his old high school sweetheart and is reminded of everyone and everything he left behind years ago. When selecting a beautiful, romantic setting for her novel, she was inspired by Marquette and the Lake Superior shoreline.

NMU Hosts Higher Ed Demographics Expert

Feb. 8, 2019 —

Enrollment at two-year colleges and four-year regional institutions in Midwestern states is projected to decline more than 15 percent by 2029, according to Nathan Grawe, author of Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education. Positive enrollment trends are expected to continue for the next few years into the early part of the next decade. But in an effort to better prepare the university for the impending drop in the later part of the decade, NMU has invited Grawe to campus for small-group discussions and a faculty/staff forum on Wednesday, March 20.

Grant Will Help U.P. Math Teachers

Feb. 8, 2019 —

Northern Michigan University has been awarded a nearly $300,000 MiSTEM Advisory Council grant that will incorporate the Add+Vantage Math Recovery program for Upper Peninsula elementary schools and provide related training for teachers.

There are three MiSTEM Network regions in the Upper Peninsula. Chris Standerford directs the central region that covers Marquette, Alger, Delta, Menominee, Schoolcraft, Dickinson and Iron counties. He also directs NMU’s Seaborg Center, which will contribute expertise to the grant-funded effort.

Faculty Assurance Argument Authors Needed

Feb. 8, 2019 —

NMU is seeking two faculty members to research and author the university’s assurance argument as the next step in maintaining its accreditation. They will interview key leadership across campus and develop narratives and assemble evidence based around different criteria and core components. The application deadline is Feb. 22. Release time is available to compensate for the estimated 20 service hours per week from Summer 2019 through May 2020.

NMU Hosts UP 200 Warming Tent

Feb. 8, 2019 —

Northern Michigan University will host a heated hospitality tent for the general public near the starting gate of the UP 200 sled dog race on Friday, Feb. 16. The tent will be open from 6-8:30 p.m. next to the old City Hall on Washington Street. Admission is free. This family-friendly event will include hot chocolate courtesy of Simply Superior and snacks provided by Econo Foods.

'History Hounds' Program Feb. 13 at Beaumier

Feb. 8, 2019 —

The Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center will host a Historical Society of Michigan presentation titled "Murder and Mayhem II: True Crime in Michigan History." This free History Hounds Lecture Series event, offered via teleconference from Lansing, features author Tobin Buhk. It will explore cases including the 1916 poisoning of the Peck family of Grand Rapids, murderer Helmuth Schmidt and Mary McKnight, the "Strychnine Saint." The presentation begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13, at the center in Gries Hall at NMU. 

Exhibit Explores Technology at NMU

Feb. 8, 2019 —

The Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center at Northern Michigan University will open a new exhibition titled “From Chalk to Light Boards: Technology at NMU.” The exhibition will feature dozens of artifacts, not only from the Beaumier Center’s collection, but from offices and storage facilities as well. A free opening reception with food and refreshments will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 16, in the center’s Gries Hall gallery.

TEDxNMU Tickets Available

Feb. 1, 2019 —
Tickets are available for Northern Michigan University's "TEDxNMU: Diving Deeper." Twelve speakers will share insights on how they dove headfirst into passions related to their jobs, hobbies or interests, in the hope of inspiring audience members to do the same. The event is scheduled from 1-8 p.m. Saturday, March 16, in Forest Roberts Theatre.

Jesse McCartney to Perform at NMU

Feb. 1, 2019 —
Singer-songwriter Jesse McCartney will perform at Northern Michigan University’s Berry Events Center at 7 p.m. Friday, March 29. Tickets will go on sale at 9 a.m. Monday, Feb. 4, at NMU EZ ticket outlets and online. Prices are $20 seated and $25 floor for NMU students, and $30 seated and $35 floor for the general public.