Reinhardt on 'American Diagnosis' Podcast

Feb. 1, 2022 —
NMU Native American Studies Professor Martin Reinhardt is featured in the most recent "American Diagnosis" podcast episode titled "Reclaiming Native Food Traditions to Nourish Indigenous People." Through his previous Decolonizing Diet Project at NMU, Reinhardt had found that traditional foods can significantly improve the health of Native American people prone to diabetes and other chronic illnesses.

Listening Sessions Provide Valuable Feedback

Jan. 31, 2022 —
The Northern Michigan University Presidential Search Advisory Committee (PSAC) recently held listening sessions with various constituency groups. Faculty, staff and students, alumni and community members, and former NMU trustees were given the opportunity to share their thoughts regarding important characteristics for NMU's next president. About 250 people took part in one of seven virtual sessions that were scheduled, each lasting one hour.