All News Releases

Climate@Noon Webinar Friday

Nov. 4, 2020 —
Northern Michigan University will host a virtual Climate@Noon presentation titled “The Color of Bunny” from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6. Assistant Biology Professor Diana Lafferty will present about how a mismatch in seasonal coat color provides a visual metaphor for how climate change may affect Earth's biodiversity. 

Film Explores U.P. Teams that Played the Packers

Nov. 3, 2020 —
They toiled in Upper Peninsula mines and mills. But on weekends, the muscles forged by the sweat of their labor would be on display against some of the NFL's finest football teams. This rich deposit of U.P. football history is being unearthed in a new television documentary titled "Linked to Legends: The U.P. Teams that Played the Packers." The film by Northern Michigan University Professor Dwight Brady will debut later this month on WNMU-TV.

Provost First to Complete UPCI Certification

Nov. 3, 2020 —
NMU alumnus William Provost ('20 BS, '13 MA, '10 BS) recently became the first to complete a course and certification offered through NMU's Upper Peninsula Cybersecurity Institute (UPCI), which opened on campus in May 2019. The UPCI offers non-degree and industry credentials relevant to emerging careers, augments NMU's existing cyber defense bachelor's degree and provides career exploration and training opportunities for K-12 school districts.

Alumna Receives Nursing Legacy Award

Oct. 29, 2020 —
Jill Deno ('20 BSN), an oncology nurse navigator at OSF St. Francis Hospital in Escanaba, was selected from 13,000 nurses employed at 14 OSF HealthCare hospitals to receive the 2020 Nursing Legacy Award. The graduate of Northern's online RN to BSN program was nominated by her manager for her efforts with cancer patients. As a breast cancer survivor herself, Deno works to ensure that no one goes through the journey alone. 

NMU's Sonderegger Symposium Nov. 5

Oct. 29, 2020 —
Northern Michigan University's Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center and Center for Upper Peninsula Studies will present the 2020 Sonderegger Symposium Friday, Nov. 6. The event will be entirely virtual and will feature 18 sessions and 35 presenters. The theme of this year's event focuses on "Insider/Outsider" issues in the Upper Peninsula region.

Wildcat Authors Directory Debuts

Oct. 29, 2020 —
The Northern Michigan University Alumni Association has launched a Wildcat Authors directory. Similar to its Wildcats Mean Business campaign supporting alumni-owned businesses, the authors directory is an effort to promote the published books of Wildcat alumni across the country and encourage the NMU community to support these authors.

Alumnus Named DTMB Director

Oct. 23, 2020 —
NMU alumnus Brom Stibitz ('05 MPA) was recently appointed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as director of the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB), after serving as acting director since March. He is also the state's chief information officer, managing all aspects of cybersecurity and information technology across state government.

Children's Book Presentation Tonight

Oct. 20, 2020 —
Northern Michigan University and Peter White Public Library will host a presentation by Barbara Carney-Coston, author of To the Copper Country: Miheala's Journey, at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20. The children's book is one of the 2020 selections of Two Books Two Communities. Register for the Zoom event here, by visiting or the group's Facebook page. A recording will be available for later viewing.

REVISED: Police Academy Meetings Scheduled

Oct. 19, 2020 —
We've just been informed that the meetings on Nov. 3 and 4 are for NMU students only. Information about meetings for non-NMU students will be provided as soon as it's available. The revised release below reflects this. We apologize for the inconvenience. The Northern Michigan University Regional Police Academy will host mandatory meetings for those planning to attend the next academy. Individuals can choose one session from the following: 11 a.m. or 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 3, or Wednesday, Nov. 4. There will be a limit of 10 people per session.

Employee Union Participates in Pushup Challenge

Oct. 16, 2020 —
Eleven members of Northern Michigan University's administrative/professional union, UAW Local 2178, participated in a global pushup challenge during Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month in September. They completed 10,272 pushups. The International Sports Science Association (ISSA) initiated the challenge with a goal of 2.2 million worldwide and far exceeded that with more than 3 million pushups pledged.