Around NMU

NMU McNair Program Grant Renewed

Aug. 24, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University has successfully renewed a competitive U.S. Department of Education grant to continue the Upper Peninsula's only Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program, which provides disadvantaged college students effective preparation for doctoral studies through research and other scholarly activities. NMU will receive about $1.3 million over five years.

Trustee Profile: Alexis Hart

Aug. 22, 2022 —
As vice chair of the NMU Board of Trustees, Alexis Hart interacts regularly with a number of Northern students. One bit of advice she shares with them is that they should avoid getting locked into a restrictive career path simply by virtue of the degree they earn and focus instead on developing the skill set to be adaptable when exciting opportunities surface, or it becomes necessary to pivot and pursue a new profession. She has learned that through her experience in the human resources field.

Event Launches UP-NMU Website

Aug. 8, 2022 —
A new website dedicated to the symbiotic relationship between the Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University will be launched with a free public event at 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 18, in Ballroom I of the Northern Center at NMU. The website was created by the Beamier U.P. Heritage Center and funded by a donation from NMU History Professor Emeritus Jon Saari.

UP Cybersecurity Institute Hosts Symposium

Aug. 8, 2022 —
The Upper Peninsula Cybersecurity Institute (UPCI) at Northern Michigan University will host a cybersecurity symposium Tuesday, Aug. 30 through Thursday, Sept. 1. This inaugural event will bring together multiple state, federal and civilian cybersecurity resources to connect with regional cybersecurity practitioners and decision makers. The UPCI is able to offer the event free to participants, thanks to funding from the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.

NMU Updates Pandemic Protocols

Aug. 2, 2022 —
NMU reinstated a mask mandate for in-person classrooms and labs, effective Aug. 1, in response to an uptick in local COVID cases that has elevated Marquette County to the CDC's "high transmission" category. President Kerri Schuiling provided an update of NMU's pandemic protocols heading into the fall semester in an email to the campus community.