Around NMU

NMU Trustee Profile: Jason Morgan

Sep. 16, 2022 —
As a past president of ASNMU, Northern's student government organization, Jason Morgan recalls feeling “somewhat terrified at the prospect of talking to people I thought were so important” when he had to present updates on student issues and activities at each NMU Board of Trustees meeting. Now that the 2011 political science alumnus is a trustee himself, it is the ASNMU report that he looks forward to hearing the most.

Olson Library Hosts Touring 'Americans and the Holocaust' Exhibit

Sep. 16, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University's Lydia M. Olson Library is one of 50 U.S. libraries selected from more than 250 applicants to host the “Americans and the Holocaust” traveling exhibition from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. The exhibition examines the motives, pressures and fears that shaped Americans' responses to Nazism, war and genocide in Europe during the 1930s and 1940s.

Campus Closeup: Jimmy Ludwig

Sep. 15, 2022 —
Jimmy Ludwig's 30-year acting career in New York City—from Broadway productions and performance art to film and television—taught him a valuable lesson: “Grit and a willingness to outwork everybody else” are far more important for sustained success than either talent, which is pervasive in such entertainment epicenters, or connections. He plans to share that sage advice with students in the new Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in acting program he is heading for Northern Michigan University Theatre and Dance.

Baltes is College of Business' Executive in Residence

Sep. 15, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University's College of Business will host NMU alumnus John Baltes as the 2022 Executive in Residence Sept. 27-29. He is the retired CEO of SVA, a multi-entity professional services company. Baltes will share insights from his 30 years of leadership and business strategy experience, as well as a strong data systems background, with the NMU and Marquette communities.

NMU Hosts Program on Farmer Stress

Sep. 2, 2022 —
“Mending the Stress Fence,” a presentation on managing the stressors faced by farmers and agricultural professionals, will be held at Northern Michigan University on Friday, Sept. 9. The presentation begins at 3 p.m. in the Northern Center Peninsula II room. It will be about 30 minutes in length with an open discussion at the end. 

MFA Program Excels in Writing Contest

Sep. 1, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University graduate assistant Benjamin Fidler won first place in the most recent international 3-Day Novel Contest. Elijah Sparkman, an MFA graduate of NMU, also participated and advanced to the final selection. Instead of relaxing during Labor Day weekend 2021, both wrote tirelessly to create a novel or novella in 72 hours, competing against other writers worldwide. The judges take nearly a year to read hundreds of submissions and recently released the results. 

Kardemimmit to Perform at NMU

Sep. 1, 2022 —
The Finnish folk group Kardemimmit will perform at Northern Michigan University on Saturday, Sept. 17, as part of the Beaumier Heritage Concert Series. The performance is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. and will take place at Reynolds Recital Hall. Tickets cost $10 for the general public and $5 for NMU students and those under 18.

Study Shows Human Activity Impacts Bobcat Behavior

Aug. 25, 2022 —
A Northern Michigan University-led research project focusing on bobcats found evidence that human activity can exert a greater impact than environmental factors on carnivore predator-prey interactions, daily activity patterns and movement. The findings were recently published in Biodiversity and Conservation. Understanding that some animals perceive humans as “super predators” is critical for establishing successful wildlife management practices to promote functioning communities.

Wyche Leads Wellbeing Efforts

Aug. 24, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University is emphasizing a holistic, integrated approach to student and employee wellbeing as it identifies priority goals and strategies for the coming year. Abigail Wyche, who transitioned in June from social work department head to a 12-month appointment as special adviser for mental health and wellness, detailed some of the plans at Wednesday morning's fall convocation.