Arts and Culture

Diversity Common Reader Selection Announced

Nov. 15, 2019 —
Southside Buddhist: Essays by Ira Sukrungruang will be the featured selection for NMU's 2020 Diversity Common Reader Program (DCRP). Students can obtain free copies at the start of the winter semester at the Multicultural Education and Resource Center in C.B. Hedgcock. Faculty members are encouraged to incorporate the text into a class, organize an event related to the book or facilitate a book discussion.

Visiting Writers Present Interactive Program

Nov. 6, 2019 —
The next Visiting Writers Program event at Northern Michigan University will feature an interactive augmented and virtual reality installation comprised of poetry, documentary video and sound. Jen Scappettone and Judd Morrissey will speak about their project, Lament; Or, The Mine Has Been Opened Up Well, which is based on research in the Copper Country. The event begins at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21 at the Northern Center.

Piano and Strings Concert at NMU

Sep. 25, 2019 —
The Northern Michigan University Music Department presents the next concert in the faculty chamber music program at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29 in Reynolds Recital Hall. This piano and strings performance will feature NMU faculty Barbara Rhyneer on violin and Nancy Zimmerman on piano, along with local cellist Anne Perket. 

Art Exhibit Opens Friday

Aug. 28, 2019 —
An exhibition that symbolizes the story of millions of refugees worldwide will open Friday, Aug. 30, at Northern Michigan University's DeVos Art Museum. Israeli artist Orna Ben-Ami will give a talk at 6 p.m. An opening reception for her "Entire Life in a Package" exhibit will follow from 7-9 p.m.