Published Study Relays Expert Opinions on Bear Baiting

Nov. 25, 2024 —
Bear baiting—a harvest practice authorized in 12 states, two territories and eight provinces in North America—poses several potential risks, and associated mitigation measures have been inadequate, according to a study published in the PLOS One peer-reviewed scientific journal. The article focuses on Alaska, where more than 70% of National Park Service-managed lands and preserves are open to some form of hunting. The authors' goal is to use expert opinion to inform decision-making in that state and other areas where bear baiting is allowed.

NMU Jazz Concert Dec. 4

Nov. 25, 2024 —
The Northern Michigan University jazz ensembles will present their second concert of the fall season at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4, in Reynolds Recital Hall. Admission is free and open to the public. The concert will feature both the NMU Jazz Band and the NMU Jazz Combo.

NMU Quiz Bowl Wins Superior Cup Over Tech

Nov. 21, 2024 —
Three Northern Michigan University Quiz Bowl squads traveled to Houghton Nov. 16 to compete with three Michigan Tech teams for the right to claim the Superior Cup, a traveling trophy that has been presented to the winner at each meeting of the two schools since 2015. NMU's A squad finished in first place with a 7-0 record, so the Superior Cup will remain in its trophy case in The Science Building.

NMU Theatre & Dance Presents New 'Home for the Holidays' Show

Nov. 21, 2024 —
Northern Michigan University Theatre and Dance will present a festive new production titled “Home for the Holidays” Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 5-7 and 12-14 in Forest Roberts Theatre. The show is about a group of NMU students who convene to share tales of their diverse family traditions before they journey home for the holidays. It features musical singing and dance numbers—many familiar—with bits of dialogue to tie it all together.