'Lost Boy of Sudan' Speaks at NMU

Sep. 18, 2018 —
John Dau will present “God Grew Tired of Us: The Lost Boys of Sudan” at Northern Michigan University. He was one of 27,000 boys in the war-torn country forced to flee their villages when the northern government began attacking the south. His talk is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 24, in the University Center Great Lakes Rooms. Admission is free for NMU students and $2 for the general public.

Teachable Moment: Alumna Rescues Student at Black Rocks

Sep. 17, 2018 —
“Reach or throw; don’t go.” NMU alumna and former Wildcat swimmer Shawn Robinson-Sobczak (’98 BS) routinely recites that phrase when she leads swim lessons or serves as a lifeguard instructor. When someone is in distress and it’s not possible to extend a hand to pull the swimmer to safety or throw something that floats, bystanders should not risk their own lives by entering the water. But Robinson-Sobczak has also been a certified lifeguard for 34 years. So when an NMU student took too long to surface after jumping off Black Rocks and a friend struggled to assist him, her rescue instinct took over and she leaped in to help.

NMU Prof Analyzes k9 Attack for TV Report

Sep. 14, 2018 —


An Atlanta TV station featured NMU Criminal Justice Professor Charlie Mesloh in an investigative report on a K9 attack in Roswell. The dog refused to let go of a teen suspect despite more than 20 commands from his handler. Mesloh, a former police officer and K9 handler, analyzed the dashcam video of the incident frame by frame and says the dog should have been removed from service for remedial training. See the full report here.

Walk Promotes IDD Inclusion

Sep. 14, 2018 —
The NMU Best Buddies student organization will host a walk to promote inclusion of and support for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities on campus. The Best Buddies Friendship walk at NMU will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 29. Participants will meet near the “heart of Northern” on the academic mall outside Jamrich Hall.