Dad Intrigued by Daughter's Online Class

Apr. 23, 2020 —
NMU Professor Gary Brunswick was surprised to learn this week that an extra set of ears had been periodically listening in on his Introduction to Marketing class since it transitioned online in March. It only became obvious when a student asked if her Dad—within earshot in an adjacent room at their Marquette home—could ask a question during Tuesday's lecture. The two men engaged in a complimentary email exchange afterward.

RTTP a Challenge for Online Format

Apr. 22, 2020 —
NMU's History Department has implemented “Reacting to the Past,” an active learning pedagogy of role-playing games designed for higher education. Students are assigned character roles with specific goals and must communicate, collaborate and compete effectively to advance their objectives. Professor Kathryn Johnson had the challenge of converting RTTP to a virtual platform in response to COVID-19.