Film Explores Michigan Winter Sports

Jan. 26, 2021 —
"Winter Wonderland," a 1995 film about Michigan's many winter sports by Ironwood-based filmmaker Bill Jamerson, is the next installment in the Beaumier Heritage Documentary Series. It will air at 9 p.m. Friday, Jan. 29, on WNMU-TV. It can also be streamed live on the station's website or for 30 days after the broadcast on the Passport App. 

NMU Diverts Gloves from Landfill

Jan. 22, 2021 —
Northern Michigan University diverted 287 pounds of glove waste from landfills during the fall semester, further demonstrating its commitments to sustainability and social responsibility. The NMU Safety Department began participating in the RightCycle personal protection equipment recycling program because it anticipated increased reliance on single-use gloves as a Covid-19 precaution this academic year.