Rinsland Presents NPS Webinar

Feb. 14, 2022 —
NMU biology graduate student Hilary Rinsland will participate in a Science Behind the Scenery Webinar Series cohosted by Rocky Mountain National Park and Rocky Mountain Conservancy at 1 p.m. EST Tuesday, Feb. 15. She will present  “Pika surveys to test climate-based predictions of population loss” with Chris Ray from the University of Colorado-Boulder. The series is free and open to the public.

New CTE Magazine Due This Month

Feb. 11, 2022 —
Area middle school and high school students will soon receive a 36-page magazine featuring Career and Technical Education (CTE) academic and apprenticeship programs available locally that can lead to rewarding careers. The magazine is published by the CTE Committee comprised of Northern Michigan University, Marquette-Alger RESA, UP Construction Council and UP MIWorks.