STEM Mini Grants Available

May. 6, 2022 —
STEM educators are eligible to apply for mini grants to support innovative projects through the Central Upper Peninsula MiSTEM Region, based at Northern Michigan University's Seaborg Center. The first two recipients of $1,000 awards were Kurt Corcoran of Aspen Ridge Middle School and Cameron Bancroft of Bothwell Middle School.

Economics Reading Program to Explore Contemporary Issues

May. 2, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University's Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (CEEE) will launch the Wildcat Economics Reading Program this fall. Students from all academic majors and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Participants in the one-semester, non-credit group will read, meet and discuss non-technical selections on contemporary topics ranging from health care, property rights and freedom of speech to the environment, economic systems and discrimination.

NMU Employee Thanks Lifesaving Rescuers

Apr. 29, 2022 —
Five individuals and five agencies who assisted in the lifesaving rescue of Northern Michigan University employee Stephanie Penhale were publicly recognized at the April 29 NMU Board of Trustees business meeting. Penhale is director of the Network Infrastructure Center. She and her 22-year-old daughter, Lily, attended the session to personally thank those whose quick actions made a critical difference until more advanced medical care could be provided.