Student Research Celebration April 20

Apr. 13, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University undergraduate and graduate students will share their academic contributions, ranging from research posters and oral presentations to creative writing and artwork, during the 27th annual Celebration of Student Scholarship on Thursday, April 20, in Jamrich Hall. The event is returning to an in-person format and is open to the public.

NMU Earns Silver STARS Rating

Apr. 13, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University has earned a STARS Silver Rating—only 4.8 points shy of Gold—from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. The AASHE's Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) program measures and encourages sustainability in all aspects of higher education. 

CFA Receives $30K Research Subaward

Apr. 13, 2023 —
The Center for Forensic Anthropology (CFA) at Northern Michigan University, which includes the Forensic Research Outdoor Station (FROST), recently received a $30,000 National Institute of Justice subaward from Colorado State University to help validate a novel method for estimating human time since death, or postmortem interval. NMU students will be involved in the research.

Students are 'Salamander Stewards'

Apr. 13, 2023 —
When the spring thaw begins at Marquette's Presque Isle Park and there are a couple of rainy nights with temperatures in the 30s and 40s, blue-spotted salamanders suddenly emerge from their underground winter burrows. They migrate across remaining snow and the park's road to lay their eggs in a wetlands area behind the Moosewood Nature Center, then return to the other side.