Around NMU

Apparitions of the Non-Alien, Photography: Ghost Pictures of WWII Incarceration

Apr. 12, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University will host Apparitions of the Non-Alien, Photography: Ghost Pictures of WWII Incarceration, a lecture hosted by Vincent Schleitwiler about photography related to the mass incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. This event is free to attend and open to the public. It will begin at 6 p.m., on April 20, in Mead Auditorium or online. 

26th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship to be held at NMU

Apr. 5, 2022 —
The Northern Michigan University Celebration of Student Scholarship will be held on April 14 on the NMU campus and online. The annual event recognizes the academic contributions of undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines. Students share their work with the NMU and Marquette communities by presenting research posters, recording oral presentations, and submitting creative written work, and artwork. 

NMU Students Trained in Suicide Risk Assessment

Mar. 31, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University social work students recently had a rare opportunity to participate alongside faculty members and community clinicians in a full-day Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) training on campus. One of the students used her AMSR handbook earlier this week to identify the level of risk for one of her teenage clients at her field placement location.

Chemistry Research Project Receives National Grant

Mar. 31, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University undergraduate students are participating in cutting-edge chemistry research with Professor Yu "Leo" Liu, who is among 14 faculty members nationwide recently awarded two-year summer research grants from Organic Synthesis Inc. His project advances “green chemistry” by eliminating the use of metal-based catalysts. Instead of organic solvents, it carries the catalytic reactions in a more environmentally friendly solvent: water.