Around NMU

Excellence in Service: Luanne Thurston, Executive Secretary, Nursing

Apr. 26, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University Executive Secretary Luanne Thurston is one of nine recipients of NMU's 2022 Excellence in Service awards. She was a member of the School of Nursing (SON) administrative team during the last academic year and helped to design a "virtual resource room" and created a PDF with easy-to-navigate links for the site visitors.

Excellence in Service: Claudia Mankee, Executive Secretary, Admissions

Apr. 26, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University executive secretary Claudia Mankee is one of nine recipients of NMU's 2022 Excellence in Service awards. Her contributions have positively impacted the university through her 28 years of employment. She started in Admissions and progressed to International Affairs, the NMU Bookstore, and the Financial Aid Office, before returning full circle to her current position in Admissions. 

NMU Foundation Hosts Community Forums on Former Hospital Site Redevelopment

Apr. 26, 2022 —
The Northern Michigan University Foundation today announced its plans to host community forums regarding efforts to facilitate redevelopment of the former hospital site adjacent to the NMU campus. Two forums will be held at The Northern Center on May 3: the first from 2-3:30 p.m and the second from 5:30-7 p.m. Participants will receive a brief project update and take part in polling activities and dialogue with other community members. Refreshments will be served.

NMU Senior Art Exhibition Ends April 29

Apr. 25, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University seniors graduating from the School of Art & Design have artwork displayed at the DeVos Art Museum through Friday, April 29. The exhibition features students concentrating in ceramics, computer art, digital cinema, drawing/painting, graphic design, human-centered design, illustration, metalsmithing/sculpture as well as photography and woodworking. 

UP3D Exhibition at Beaumier Center

Apr. 25, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University's Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center presents a "UP3D" display of 60 large three-dimensional stereograph images from the collection of Jack Deo of Marquette. Admission is free and 3D glasses will be provided. All of the images were taken in the late 19th century in communities and locations across the Upper Peninsula by some of the region's best-known photographers.