Around NMU

Feamster Named to Collegiate Task Force

May. 26, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University student Gwen Feamster, a political science major from Linden, Mich., has been selected to serve on the Michigan Department of State's Collegiate Student Advisory Task Force. She is among 25 undergraduates chosen from more than 200 applicants who will act as civic engagement liaisons between the Secretary of State's office and their campuses throughout 2022.

NMU Play Earns 14 National Awards

May. 24, 2022 —
The Northern Michigan University Department of Theatre and Dance world-premiere production of Above the Timberline won 14 special achievement awards at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival national awards ceremony, a virtual event streamed May 21 from Washington, D.C. Productions from institutions invited to the eight regional festivals held earlier this year were eligible for national recognition of the outstanding work by individuals and ensembles.

NMU Chef Presents Campfire Cooking Segment

May. 24, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University Alumni Relations continues its Northern Now digital event series with a campfire cooking segment at 7 p.m. EST Wednesday, June 8. Chef Alden Griffus CCC '10, executive chef for NMU Dining Services, will showcase her favorite campfire dinners that can be made either in the kitchen or over a campfire. Current hospitality management student Trixie Maguran Jacobson will cook alongside Chef Alden.

Fight the Flu Trophy Remains in Hancock

May. 12, 2022 —
This winter, the Northern Michigan University Center for Rural Health brought Upper Peninsula universities together for the second annual Fight the Flu competition. Students, staff and faculty from Finlandia University, Michigan Technological University and Northern Michigan University competed to see which school could get the highest percentage of its total population vaccinated against the flu. Based on the self-reported statistics, the winner for the second year in a row is Finlandia University, coming in at a 17.6% vaccination rate.

STEM Mini Grants Available

May. 6, 2022 —
STEM educators are eligible to apply for mini grants to support innovative projects through the Central Upper Peninsula MiSTEM Region, based at Northern Michigan University's Seaborg Center. The first two recipients of $1,000 awards were Kurt Corcoran of Aspen Ridge Middle School and Cameron Bancroft of Bothwell Middle School.

Economics Reading Program to Explore Contemporary Issues

May. 2, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University's Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (CEEE) will launch the Wildcat Economics Reading Program this fall. Students from all academic majors and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Participants in the one-semester, non-credit group will read, meet and discuss non-technical selections on contemporary topics ranging from health care, property rights and freedom of speech to the environment, economic systems and discrimination.