Around NMU

NMU Offers Dual Enrollment Course in Education

Jan. 18, 2023 —
Beginning this semester, Northern Michigan University is partnering with Bark River-Harris (BR-H) High School to offer NMU's first dual enrollment course in the field of education. Sixteen students from BR-H and three to five students from Nah Tah Wahsh Public School Academy are participating in the course, Schooling in America. The goals are to give students the opportunity to gain college credits while in high school, and to potentially interest them in pursuing a career in education.

Aumann: A.I. Chatbots Altering Education

Jan. 16, 2023 —
NMU Philosophy Professor Antony Aumann is featured prominently in a "New York Times" story on how students' increasing use of A.I. chatbots is prompting universities to restructure courses and take preventive measures. He continues to field numerous interview requests as other media worldwide have focused on the topic. Aumann said a red flag went up in response to a paper submitted in his world religions class last semester. After confronting the student, who ultimately confessed to using ChatGPT to write it, Aumann planned to implement changes in his courses this month. 

Maki Chooses to Stay in Ukraine

Jan. 13, 2023 —
As Russian forces continue with heavy artillery shelling and frequent missile strikes that have resulted in thousands of deaths and extensive destruction in Ukraine, Northern Michigan University alumnus Matt Maki has no plans to leave the country he has called home for the past decade. The Negaunee High School graduate lives in Kyiv, the nation's capital and most populous city.