Around NMU

Individual Innovation Award: Kylie Bunting

Apr. 13, 2023 —
Kylie Bunting, director of Alumni and Foundation communications, received an Innovation Award. She joined NMU prior to the pandemic in a new position focused on creating a strategic approach to digital engagement and communication with more than 70,000 alumni nationwide. Bunting identified the opportunity to showcase NMU faculty, staff, students and alumni by utilizing Zoom.

Excellence in Service: Janet Koski

Apr. 13, 2023 —
Janet Koski, Northern Michigan University's executive director for Equal Opportunity and Title IX and Equal Opportunity officer, is an Excellence in Service Award recipient. Her long title is indicative of the critical role she plays on campus. She has led this function for the last several years and was a department of one for much of that time.

Excellence in Service: Dan Cullen

Apr. 13, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University Director of Institutional Accreditation and Assessment Dan Cullen received an Excellence in Service Award. When former President Kerri Schuiling contacted the Institutional Effectiveness Office to guide the development of an interim strategic plan, Cullen was called to see the plan to a successful conclusion.

Excellence in Service: Nicole Walton

Apr. 13, 2023 —
An Excellence in Service Award was presented to WNMU-FM News Director Nicole Walton. She has had multiple news stories in print and audio formats shared and aired through the Michigan Public Radio Network. The network includes 10 stations serving over 900,000 people throughout the state. Because her work is featured statewide, it has been an important resource and promotional tool for NMU.

Excellence in Service: Jeff Roo

Apr. 13, 2023 —
Jeff Roo, customer service representative in Northern Michigan University's Printing Services, is an Excellence in Service Award recipient. He works to meet the immediate needs of NMU's faculty and the departments that rely on Printing Services. His high level of detailed proofing and printing work ensures customer receives exactly what they ordered.

Excellence in Service: Sherida Riipi

Apr. 13, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University's School of Clinical Sciences executive secretary Sherida Riipi received an Excellence in Services Award. She is credited for being organized and volunteering to assist with initiatives while maintaining a cheery attitude in the department. She works closely with three programs, the speech clinic and with students attending practicums.