
Wildcats Play Major Roles in Big 3 Concert with Headliner Chase Matthew

Jul. 11, 2024 —
“We all just did something pretty epic in a tiny town.” NMU 2001 alumnus Mike Picotte texted that message to NMU faculty members Dan Zini and Mark Shevy after the conclusion of The Big 3 concert Saturday night in Gwinn. Picotte was referring to the fact that they had successfully produced a high-quality, large-scale concert that would usually require a much larger team and the support of a bigger city's infrastructure. They did it with a crew of six—all with NMU connections—in a town with a population under 1,500.

NMU Announces Alumni Award Recipients

Jul. 3, 2024 —
Northern Michigan University Alumni Relations has announced six recipients of the 2024 Alumni Awards: Ann (Wheeler) Cashin, OD ('69 BA) of Port Washington, Wis. and Patrick Cashin, OD ('66 BA, '69 MAE) of Port Washington, Wis., Distinguished Alumni; Jim Thorburn ('91 BS) of Livonia, Mich., Alumni Achievement; Ryan McAllister, Ph.D. ('10 BS) of Roselle, N.J. and Megan Persons ('12 BS) of Grand Rapids, Mich., Outstanding Young Alumni; and Jim Mansfield ('61 BS, '64 MAE) of Spokane, Wash., Alumni Service – Community.

Alumna Completes Third Swim of Triple Crown

Jun. 19, 2024 —
Northern Michigan University 2015 BSN alumna and former Wildcat swimmer Jordan Iverson is likely to become the first Alaskan to complete the triple crown of open-water swimming. She crossed the English Channel on Tuesday—a swim that is still being certified—and previously completed the other two jewels in the crown: the 20 Bridges Swim in Manhattan; and the Catalina Channel in California.

Hebert Shifts from CPA to K9 School Security

Jun. 13, 2024 —
Not long before a distant relative was among four students killed in the 2021 Oxford High shooting, Northern Michigan University alumnus John Hebert had co-founded a new business that provides full-time, onsite K9 teams certified for firearm and explosives detection to schools and other public entities. The irony of the timing is not lost on Hebert, but he said his personal connection to the tragedy only fueled his drive to offer additional measures to enhance safety for students, teachers and staff.

NASA Reviewing Tucker's Invention

Jun. 13, 2024 —
A multi-function seat belt buckle intended for space travel, developed by Northern Michigan University alumnus Curt Tucker and co-inventor Jacob Avery, is being reviewed by NASA Johnson Space Center engineers. This is just one of the innovative products Tucker has developed. Applications range from motorsports and military safety to medical mobility devices such as a wheelchair and docking system, next-generation crutches and a state-of-the-art physical therapy and nursing sling.

NMU Announces Summer Alumni Fridays

May. 30, 2024 —
Northern Michigan University Alumni Relations will host Alumni Fridays in Marquette County this summer. The NMU community is invited to join at various locations to connect, socialize and network with fellow Wildcats during Happy Hour. Additionally, alumni are invited to go back in time with a historical walking tour or discover campus with a virtual scavenger hunt.

Mann Directs 'Inside Out 2'

May. 23, 2024 —
Northern Michigan University 1998 BFA alumnus Kelsey Mann is directing his first feature film, Disney and Pixar's Inside Out 2, which premieres in theaters June 14. The sequel to the Academy Award-winning best animated feature returns to the mind of the original human character, Riley. She is going through puberty and encountering new emotions on top of the originals introduced in the first film. Actors Amy Poehler, Lewis Black and Maya Hawke are among those whose voices are featured in the film.