NMU Holds 'It's On Us' Week of Action

Northern Michigan University’s “It’s On Us Week of Action,” which supports education, prevention and response efforts associated with relationship violence and sexual misconduct, will be held Sept. 30-Oct. 4.

The Week of Action will start with a screening of The Hunting Ground, hosted by NMU Campus Cinema, at 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 30, in Jamrich Hall 1100. Below are other events scheduled for the week:

Monday, Oct. 1: “Kickoff” at table in Jamrich Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  • “It’s On Us” banner for students to sign
  • Distributing handouts with It’s On Us pledge inscribed
  • Distributing handouts on Title IX, NMU’s sexual misconduct policy, etc.

Tuesday, Oct. 2: “Consent” table at Jamrich Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  • Poster viewing: What is consent vs. What is not consent; participants will be able to add their own ideas and discuss the contributions of others
  • “What They Were Wearing” display from the Marquette Women’s Center; aims to show that what a person is wearing is never an invitation for sexual assault

Wednesday, Oct. 3: Bystander Intervention/Supporting Survivors table at Jamrich Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  • Brochures from Title IX/Equal Opportunities Office
  • “What Would You Do?” display; invites people to discuss what they would do in any given situation vs. what people actually have done
  • Information on #MeToo and Time’s Up movement

Wednesday, Oct. 3: Michigan Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Assault Violence (MCEDSV) workshop titled “Root Causes of Sexism and Upstander Intervention,” 4 p.m. in Jamrich 2319.

Thursday, Oct. 4: “What Now?” table at Jamrich Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  • What Now? poster presentation; participants can discuss with volunteers what they would like to see happen next at NMU regarding sexual assault prevention/policy/etc. and record their thoughts on the poster
  • Further information on MCEDSV training groups and “Empowering the Confidant” grant project
  • Reporting party/responding party brochures from Title IX office

Thursday, Oct. 4: Women for Women will host a Silence is Not Consent rally. Participants can meet in the Hunt/Van Antwerp lobby for a march that begins at 5:30 p.m.

This year, NMU is holding one Week of Action in the fall instead of one each semester, as it had previously.

“Our first year we had approximately 650 students, staff and faculty members interact with our Week of Action activities and events. Last year, we dropped to around 300,” senior community health education major Kate Rozeveld said in an email. “We think this is because the first two Week of Actions were so close: one was in April 2017 and the other in October 2017. We hope that by moving the Week of Action to the first week of October and only hosting it once a year, we will have enough new students to keep interests high and our events current.”

Partners for this year’s Week of Action include the NMU Police Department, the Marquette Women’s Center, Campus Cinema, NMU Housing and Residence Life, NMU Athletics, Title IX, the Multicultural Education Resource Center, Women for Women, Men Thinking Outside the Box and others.

Prepared By

Von Lanier
Student Writer

Categories: Around NMU